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We, at the institute for the rEstoration of underground parallel shimmy of photography, have recently discovered what we believe to be the worlds first naturally occuring 'circle-with-a-line-through-it'.

Spotted by one of our team oNLy this morning, the circle-with-a-line-through-it did not flinch as we approached. Upon closed inspection we noticed the following meeps:

Of all the circles we have come across, this was the most rounded. The line was indeed straight We have named it mo. Arching was irrelevent. I saw the sign Feeding. Quill pens in formation swimming contest. Verification commencing. How long has it been? <-- Fire Exit.. Levitational congruent furry predation via tulips. Achtuing smeet and leather lather to smile.

Because he wanted to invest in a larger element than tin can alley, we were and indeed were of course forced by a force stronger than lemons to flip the coin of chance into a greater sleep. Flash,..,..,..,,,,,,at all. If the only way we can see the form of tipping welly is vibrationally rock solid and he did fly.

High. Yes. For after all was said and the land of hand sand demanded a panda pops cola flavour drink for tea because it was only seventeen when I went away to trinidad. Could even running be wormed from the gut of an oblong? Has frayed potato become unknown? Would G increase to become R if tazmania were to tuba? Why does the long haired book slide anticlockwise beneath the printed word, without at once yesterday or

I hope this has been of some assistance, YOU DIRTY SCOUNDREL.
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Page Author: Edward Yu