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There is a new direction. It was discovered by us, here at the laboratory, only last week when an immensely non-existent mognotic, yes MOGNOTIC fold was borne.

The new direction is known to us as NURTH, and is the orientation achieved whilst in a higher state. Shortly after this discovery, we found that it was in fact NARTH, and not NURTH that had been discovered, and thus not one, but two new dimensions must be added to a standard (model-9) compass-device for compliance.

For navigationalisms we have constructed a prototype of a new device known to us as a NOMPASS, which, when activated, just GUIDES OK?

We have, obviously, negotiated a deal with Ferrari to produce the nompass, and it will go on sale on 09/09/1999 for a price of just $ where $ is the spatial transform.
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Page Author: Edward Yu