-Nine Page
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We, here at the collective, have been investigating waves.

Contrary to popular belief, waves can form in many places and not just on water. Last week, Til, the esteemed lab technician Anmesia Bill, fell into a wave of thought. This thought wave contained the answer to the question. Thought wave can only be created by those gifted people who have an NQ (like IQ but better) of 9.

The tertiary slip moot will then mount the gantry nail, instigating a flub dive. This creates a pathway through the interchangable thought lawn to the epicentre of pure tide.
It is from here that the thought wave propagates. In the late 1900's there was a tidal thought wave. The wave struck New Zealand and instantly gave all the people cronic nine disease This meant that the only number they could use was 9. It really gave an insight into how the future will be when we have established nonoplanar mathematics.

To convert the world, a slip booth made of pure potassium will be created, that will form the global tidal thought wave. The wave will also affect computers and clocks, so that reprogramming will not be necessary. Computers will use nonery. There will be nine hours in every day, nine days in a week, nine weeks a month, nine months a year, nine years a nonade, nine nonades nentury and nine nenturies per nillenium.

It has been said and will be so

Nine: 9 999 9 99 9 9 99 9 99 9 9 99 9 9 999 99
smoke pip nonery: @ 9@@@@ 9@@@@99@
clamping Fnuwt: //||||\\\\|||||\\\\\////\/\/\/\\/\||
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Page Author: Edward Yu