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Distressed Helium Found

The labs have recently discovered a frightening phenomenon known as distressed helium.
This tortuous process involves battery farming of young helium atoms in such evil conditions that YOU WOULD NOT LIKE, and then forcing literally millions of these helpless h-particles into a rubberised containment facility. Sometimes called a b.a.l.l.o.o.n., this demonic restriction prevents the atoms from achieving the goal of every such particle - to achive orbit.

Distressed helium particles in a gnomic field.
Distressed Helium Particles Indeed, you may have noticed that when restrictions are placed on the freedom of helium, the atoms trample as a group to escape, thus pushing the container upwards - such is the distemper of the atoms.
Sometimes the levels of anxiety in the capsule can reach the level at which the helium becomes angry. If this occurs, then the helium combines with nanoobium-9 to become air. The containment facility will sink and deflate, causing mush upset amongst infants.
Occasionally, a small child takes pity on the captives, and releases the prison capsule into the sky where it self destructs and the many suffering atoms burst forth to a life of freedom in the atmosphere.
But this is not a common occurrence. Most atoms will never again see the glory of height. We urge you to help us fight against this cruelty by chanting our slogan - "free helium from the tyranny of man for it is inert". Complicated.

Uncle Pleasent McDither
Quisciple of Noone and arch candle destroyer of the flostic realm
Frogs N Stuff

If you wish to harness the world then you should when you have been a neucranially inducted flinobed frammid. I then how when I would have been.
A highly sensitive communication has been intercepted on the spectral bandwidth. It reads as following:

We at the Interphasic conganglummy disintry perplexed particle science dooblin laboratories have been developing 'stuff' of a highly secretive nature. The following theory should be viewed by qualified personnel only (Doctors of Bass, Dark, Rhom and Professors of flub).
Most people sleep at night in order to gain rest for the next day. This is one statement. Also the world has a high percentage of people who have at some time in their lives partaken in the act of sleep-walking. This is another statement. Imagine if you could control sleep-walking. This would mean that you could work all night in some kind of job and still wake up the next day feeling fine. This means that you could spend the day enjoying yourself while still having an income from the job in the night.

We at the labs have managed to control this phenonomen using induced hyper congruent cerebral management. This was achieved using the two basic principles of daser inversion and rhomic resistance combined with the process of dream manipulation. We have modified the daser to such an extent that the beam produced is not only highly directional but can actually be controlled so that it can go round corners. The beam width has also been shrunk to 9 nanometres.

This allows it to enter the cranial disposition through the ear and filter through to the brain. This allows the selective insertion of dark light fields into the cortex itself. If the bursts of dark are controlled then the hemispherical dilation argument will be banished allowing full U.C.S.E.C (Unconscious Conscious Sensient Energetic ...(( I have just returned to this 5 hours after I last wrote Energetic. I completely forgot as I had to go and do something else))..Calamity).

As there is a nuclear implosion I will have to leave now.
As to your problem about files it should just load in shouldn't it. I donut know. Frogs and stuff.
by Nanoobian Norg

Authored by: Edward Yu