Story Belief

Glasgow born ex CIA, Navy Seal, 007, MBA, MVP, PHD is brought back from the bowels of the deepest darkest prison to help save hostages from Nalcatraz, the post era new age tourist attraction. Cage plays a cool chemical covert cover clever come-commando FBI man. If there is one actioner that will tickle your tastebuds this week, let it be this one, without a doubt fun like a bun in the sun.


Invention inspired by the film: crush proof Ferrari
Secret Film Financer: UPS Global Parcel Service
Undercover Actor: Jean Claude Van Damme as the humvee
Special taste: vanilla ice cream with hint of cinammon and nutmeg
Rating: 2 tonnes per cubic tortoise

Flame tunnel trick

"Welcome to the ROCK"



motion sensor

beatles record lp

gratuitous use of baby doll to excrete gas through it's belly button. will send bad images to babies around the world